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 My kind of girl/boy (Survey)

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Posts : 72
Join date : 2009-07-11
Location : Winnipeg,Mb

My kind of girl/boy (Survey) Empty
PostSubject: My kind of girl/boy (Survey)   My kind of girl/boy (Survey) EmptyFri Oct 23 2009, 10:04

1. Do you need him/her to be good looking?

2. Smart?
doesnt matter dont want a nerd girl >_<

3. Preferred age?
no preference.

4. How about sense of humor?

5. How about piercings?
doesnt matter.

6. Accepts you for who you are?

7. Pink hair?
wth no.

8. Mushy or no?

9. Thin or fat?
prob thin XD

10. Black, Brown or White (skin color)?
prob white like Aime =x

11. Long hair or short hair?
not too long and not too short.

12. Plastic or metal?
hmm... metal bahx.

13. Smells good?
eh yea ofcourse

14. Smoker?
doesnt matter

15. Drinker?

16. Girl/Boy-next-door type?
doesn't matter.

17. Plays piano?
doesnt matter

19. Plays bass and/or acoustic guitar?
doesnt matter

20. Plays violin?
doesnt matter

21. Sings very good?
eh it doesnt matter

22. Vain?
stylish can already but not vain.

23. With glasses?
it depends

24. With braces?
hahaha prob so

25. Shy type?
eh doesnt matter

26. Rebel or good boy/girl?
half rebel half good xd

27. Active or passive?

28. Tight or bomb?
half half lah

29. Singer or dancer?
dancer =x

30. Stunner?

31. Hiphop?

32. Earrings?
doesnt matter.

33. Mr/Ms. count-my-ex-boyfriends/girlfriends-until-you-drop?
eh haha idunno.

34. Dimples?
no please

35. Bookworm?
no please.

36. Mr/Ms. love letter?
doesnt matter

37. Playful?

38. Flirt?
half half

39. Poem writer?

40. Serious?
at the right time.

41. Campus crush?
HAHA doesnt matter

42. Painter?
hmm... doesnt matter

43. Religious?
doesnt matter

44. Someone who likes to tease people?
not reli

45. Computer games geek? Or internet freak?
no >,<

46. Speaks 20 languages?
no xd

47. Loyal or faithful?

49. good kisser
ofcourse LOL

50. loves children??
she must xd
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Posts : 153
Join date : 2009-05-31
Age : 25

My kind of girl/boy (Survey) Empty
PostSubject: Re: My kind of girl/boy (Survey)   My kind of girl/boy (Survey) EmptyFri Oct 23 2009, 10:22

1. Do you need him/her to be good looking?
maybe..or i shud say YES
2. Smart?
must only be like me Very Happy

3. Preferred age?
hmm maybe only a gap of 1 year would be okay

4. How about sense of humor?
must have Razz

5. How about piercings?
i dunno :O
6. Accepts you for who you are?
of course...

7. Pink hair?
wtf,...does she need to be addict? NO Razz

8. Mushy or no?
i prefer to choose or Razz

9. Thin or fat?
normal weight Razz

10. Black, Brown or White (skin color)?

11. Long hair or short hair?
normal length...

12. Plastic or metal?

13. Smells good?
eh yea ofcourse

14. Smoker?
me got asthma so say NO

15. Drinker?

16. Girl/Boy-next-door type?

17. Plays piano?
any instrument

19. Plays bass and/or acoustic guitar?
any instrument

20. Plays violin?
grrr...repeating everytime Razz

21. Sings very good?
yepp...imma gud singer dude Razz

22. Vain?
it depends

23. With glasses?

24. With braces?

25. Shy type?
i'll get her out of her attitude if she's like that

26. Rebel or good boy/girl?
half rebel only

27. Active or passive?

28. Tight or bomb?
half half lah

29. Singer or dancer?

30. Stunner?

31. Hiphop?

32. Earrings?
hate those

33. Mr/Ms. count-my-ex-boyfriends/girlfriends-until-you-drop?

34. Dimples?

35. Bookworm?

36. Mr/Ms. love letter?
i hate love letters

37. Playful?
playful in bed? y not joke haha

38. Flirt?
hate this kind

39. Poem writer?
i she shud be

40. Serious?
at the right time.

41. Campus crush? i'll be lucky to have her Very Happy
42. Painter?
hmm... doesnt matter

yes like me

44. Someone who likes to tease people?

45. Computer games geek? Or internet freak?

46. Speaks 20 languages?
only for those i can understand Very Happy

47. Loyal or faithful?

49. good kisser
yes why not! lav that part Razz

50. loves children??
loves me and my children haha
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My kind of girl/boy (Survey)
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